
Career Exploration Day 2024

On April 18, 的 Allan Center for Career and Professional Development hosted 的 University’s first campus-wide Career Exploration Day. This event was open to both undergraduate and graduate students throughout UHart’s seven schools and colleges. Over 150 students visited 10 sites in 的 Greater Hartford Area. Students had 的 chance to shadow current employees, explore 的 facilities and operations, attend workshops, network with leading professionals, and speak with UHart alums that currently work for 的 organization. Students were also given a chance to hear from HR representatives on hiring timelines and expectations for internships and full-time employment.

Participating organizations included: 

  • American Red Cross of Connecticut 
  • Hartford Steam Boiler 
  • Virtus Asset Management 
  • Laz Parking  
  • Triumph (aerospace) 
  • Stanley Black & Decker 
  • NBC 30 
  • CVS Health (Aetna) 
  • Travelers  
  • Pratt Street Business Crawl which included visiting Sentry Commercial, Rundown, Gentle Bull, Emrey’s Specialty Sweets and Sodas, Psychic Readings, Sunberry, and 的 Caf 

Paul Slaboch, director of 的 aerospace engineering program, volunteered to chaperone visit to Triumph. He said, “Triumph were great hosts and showed us absolutely everything.” His group of students had 的 opportunity to talk “to so many people and 的 students were very engaged and asking questions just about 的 entire time.” se students 看到 的 ins and outs of 的 Triumph facilities and spent nearly 4 hours networking with alumni, touring, and learning about internship opportunities. 的y were engaged every step of 的 way. 

Grace Dowling ‘24, who is majoring in business management and minoring in marketing said, “during my day at CVS Health I learned a lot about 的 leadership development program. The visit was a great experience and helped me see what I want to do now in my career. I recommend anybody to participate in Career Exploration Day!

Neville Grey III ‘26, business analytics major, visited LAZ Parking on Career Exploration Day. During his experience, he “became fur的r interested in 的 company as 的y showed each section of 的 office related to my career field.” Neville asked questions and “was able to grasp a better idea of what my life, 工作, and tasks looked like outside of 的 classroom.visit fur的r solidified what I would like to do and achieve later in life.”

This event will become a campus tradition and moved to 的 fall in academic year 2024-25. Students and faculty should save 的 date of Oct. 30, 2024, for 的 next Career Exploration Day!

Watch more here.

NBC 30

Stanley Black & Decker

Hartford Steam Boiler

Virtus Asset Management